Agency Holiday Charity Initiative
The Arthur Hall Insurance staff collected more than 60 pounds of toiletries/personal care items for the West Chester Food Cupboard as part of the agency’s Holiday Charity Initiative. Shampoos, soaps, toothpaste, and diapers were just a few of the various items donated along with additional funds. While food items are commonly donated to the food bank, personal care items are often overlooked, making the donation especially helpful.
The West Chester Food Cupboard serves over 600 families each month within the West Chester Area School District. Their staff of dedicated volunteers are committed to providing fresh food and nutritious food staples to West Chester residents in need.
Arthur Hall Insurance is proud to support and provide for The West Chester Food Cupboard this holiday season.

Pictured from Arthur Hall Insurance are: Cynthia Chmelewski, Jake Teskey, Monica O’Toole with WCFC Board Members Fiona and Rob.